Low Interest Financing for Energy Efficiency Improvements
Access Energy Cooperative offers to members low interest financing for energy efficiency improvements.
Loans may be made to finance the cost of materials and labor for the following energy efficient measures:
- caulking;
- weather stripping;
- heat pump systems (including water source heat pumps) and water heaters;
- heat pumps, water heaters and central heating or central air conditioning system replacements and modifications, which reduce oil or gas consumption, except in those cases where the primary fuel for generating electricity is oil or gas;
- ceiling insulation;
- wall insulation;
- floor insulation;
- duct insulation;
- pipe insulation;
- water heater insulation;
- storm windows;
- thermal windows;
- storm or thermal door;
- electric demand on the electric system;
- clock thermostats and
- attic ventilation fans.
Loans to finance the cost of energy efficient measures in residential, commercial and industrial, public buildings, and facilities and structures used in agricultural operations will be financed up to 80% of total cost of project with a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $10,000 per member-consumer. Additional funds would only be available if approved by the entire Access Energy Cooperative Board of Directors. (One loan per member.)
The current interest rate on these low interest loans for the third quarter of 2024 is 6.29% per annum on the unpaid balance of the loan, except that interest payments in default shall be the maximum rate allowed by the Iowa treasury stature applicable.
To insure that the loan program will be available to the greatest number of the member-consumers, the loan limits and time frame for the loans are as follows:
$ 500 to $1000 2 year maximum
$1001 to $2000 3 year maximum
$2001 to $3000 4 year maximum
$3001 to $10,000 5 year maximum
Loans in excess of $10,000 (5-year max) must be approved by entire Access Energy Cooperative Board of Directors.
Loan Funds cannot be advanced prior to completion and inspection of project.
To inquire for more information, or to apply for a loan, please click here to send an email to the marketing department at Access Energy Cooperative.