Three Tiers Forms Strong System
Access Energy Cooperative is part of a three-tiered system that generates, transmits and brings the power to you, our members. Each tier participates with its own set of responsibilities.. This systems offers our members wholesale electric rates that are among the lowest in the United States. Our power supplier received high bond ratings from three separate rating agencies, engaged to assess its credit worthiness.
Power Supply Mix
Access Energy Cooperative purchases all our power from Northeast Missouri Power Electric Cooperative (see more information below), who in turn purchase their power from Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. Above is a chart of the mixture of fuels and renewable energy mix that makes up the power our members use.
Wind Energy Purchase Capacity for AECI

Distribution Cooperatives
The system’s top tier is made up of 51 distribution cooperatives in Missouri, southern Iowa and Oklahoma.
Access Energy Cooperative—your cooperative—is a distribution cooperative. Click here for a map of Access Energy Cooperative’s service area.
Distribution Cooperatives provide electric service directly to consumer-members, including businesses, farms and households.
Distribution Cooperatives accept the responsibilities including:
installation and maintenance of power lines from substations to consumer-members,
planning for the future needs of their service area,
working with communities to encourage economic development and
helping their members learn to conserve energy.
Transmission Cooperatives
At the second level of the system are Transmission Cooperatives that transmit Associated Electric Cooperative’s power to the 51 distribution cooperatives.
Northeast Power is a transmission cooperative, located in Palmyra, MO. Our transmission cooperatives serve six geographical areas of Missouri, southern Iowa and Oklahoma.
In other areas, these organizations may be known as generation and transmission cooperatives (G&Ts) where they serve as the generation and the transmission cooperative together.
G&Ts work on a regional level as construction agents and also own and maintain all electrical systems above 161-kilovolt.
Generation Cooperative
The system’s third tier is the Generation Cooperative. Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. is our generation cooperative.
Generation cooperatives are responsible for generation and power procurement. Associated has a flexible mix of resources, including:
thermal generation facilities
hydro power access
interconnections with neighboring utilities
wind and other renewable resource generation
Associated also provides insurance, marketing, economic development, environmental protection and labor relations to its members.